GoPro Athletics Training has been a client of thirteen letter for just over a year. Some major challenges for them and their services have occurred due to the pandemic. Ever changing public health guidelines caused the most impact as GoPro established the Athlete’s Lab as their home location with 2SK Performance. GoPro was never quite sure from one week to the next how many clients they could work with at one time, nor how many clients total could be in the Athlete’s Lab at any one time.
Initially Shopify was going to be the backbone for their online client booking portal. Shopify does not offer client booking services in their amazing base model of services but several developers have widgets that integrate within the Shopify platform. Through the initial course of development several widgets were beta-tested and each offered their own unique challenges from base monthly cost being to high, to staff limitations, to configuration difficulties. It seemed it was two steps forward with one widget, one step back leading to the next widget to repeat the forward back motion.
During the entire initial development stages GoPro has been using Square to bill clients for services. Square was a service recommended from the outset of the client relationship, it is a service used internally by thirteen letter with great success for YEARS. Square recently announced an Appointments service, by chance thirteen letter had an appointment with GoPro the same morning this new service was announced so Appointments was mentioned as an option. After a short discussion and some tinkering by noon the same day GoPro had an online booking system that worked and had been tested.
After a few days a couple of minor bugs never envisioned for the Shopify platform or the Square platform arose. These bugs were handled quickly and efficiently within the same day. Go take a visit and check out this great solution delivered to GoPro. Book a free consultation with them using this online booking and get on the road to a better you today!
If you would like to explore this service for your appointment based business contact thirteen letter today.
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