In early 2021 thirteen letter did some spec work for Bell + Ivy. This spec work was for a potential client of theirs. Bell + Ivy conducted a cold call to creators like thirteen letter for ideas. This is what thirteen letter submitted as part of our package.

Below are two elements we suggested that could be used on TikTok, Instagram Stories, Facebook Stories, Twitter Fleets or Snapchat, essentially any 9×16 (vertical) format. Image two would be the end screen for every promotional element of these 15 second or less samples from the podcast.

For other posts on other mediums like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram thirteen letter would develop size appropriate graphics or video clips that includes podcast branding with links to social media with short samples to the medium.

Best example would be to clip a minute of interesting content with the branding imagery whether this imagery is static or dynamic.

Examples of other marketing elements developed:
thirteen letter developed elements like the above for all seven tracks on the Smokekiller album ‘CHIBA’

thirteen letter can develop advance marketing element for podcasts before they are released. The examples above are really only beginning samples. With consultation the look, feel and dynamic balanced against the podcast schedule and budget can improve the podcast’s reach.