1. There can be to much Twitter, it is the preferred social media in these parts and makes for easy content on thirteen thoughts so we will see how Twitter free this week can be. 

2. There have been some desktop changes to Instagram. The beauty of Instagram was that it was a truly mobile platform. You had to use your mobile device to access all of the great features to the platform. Now that has changed and you have several desktop features that have been introduced. You can now save your images/video on the desktop version as well as find the URL (web address) for your post and open that post in a new tab.

the desktop Instagram look

3. Saving videos from Instagram is significant because of how they could be used. There was always ways to get videos and photos off of Instagram but now they have made it very user friendly. Which as a user should might make you nervous. It simply means now someone has access to any video you post to download.  Be prepared for more embarrassing videos and photos you thought were locked on Instagram showing up during wedding receptions.

4. If you are not sure of the difference between a simple video on Instagram and IGTV, IGTV are videos that are longer than one minute. You could put 10 one minute videos in a post but you have to swipe them in the post to go between them. IGTV posts can be up to 60 minutes long and play consecutively. Instagram only made the switch a few weeks ago that Instagram Live now live permanently in your IGTV instead of live videos expiring after 24 hours in stories. Longer IGTV you can also download these from your profile and other profiles.

5. Instagram has typically not been proactive with new developments on their platform so these are reactions to another platform. It could be to TikTok or Snapchat and YouTube which is why it is a curious reaction. That being said Instagram usually leads the charge for new developments for Facebook like stories and messages, messages was a feature on Facebook but all of the innovation for it came from Instagram. Stories began on Instagram and moved over eventually to Facebook. Now it seems it is more popular on Facebook than Instagram.

6 KPop, if you are not familiar with this word it is a term used to describe pop music that originates from South Korea. Fans of the genre are quite passionate about their favourite performers and almost see making their favourite group more popular than others like a competition. It’s fascinating but even more fascinating when they band together against a common cause. Saturday’s events in Oklahoma are a prime example as well as exceeding a financial donation from group BTS to other causes. Here is more on the culture of KPop 

7 It is just awkward these days if your parents gave you the wrong name. Stan or Karen are two immediate names that spring to mind. Stan comes from a combination of words stalker and fan STAN. Just when you thought it was referencing that Eminem song from 2000. Stan seems to be a 50/50 good VS. evil considering the good deeds of KPop stans. Karen might not be as positive as it often refers to a woman perceived to be entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is considered appropriate or necessary.  There is even a Karen hairstyle… 

8 One of the most intimidating aspects of Donald Trump’s presidency since he announced his candidacy have been the staged rallies. Reports of hired extras, frothing at the mouth supporter’s and his statements on stage mainly based in fantasy come to mind. Well somewhere the teenagers on TikTok and Kpop fans had enough and decided to disrupt the campaign rally in Oklahoma. They registered for tickets which in itself has been a big exercise in mining data for the campaign. To receive tickets you had to supply a phone number and an email account. Both of which were inherently spammed by the campaign after you did. How did TikTok users and KPop Stans subvert this? They created fake email addresses and free VoIP US phone numbers that then enabled them to register for tickets. They announced the plans on how to do it on TikTok and various KPop social media channels and encouraged others to registers and remove posts about registering within 24-48 hours so the campaign never caught wind of it.

9. Messaging systems built in to social media are of benefit to small business but can also be a hornet’s nest of problems at the same time. It is one more way for customers to reach you, it is also one more way for you to miss a customer reaching you. This article from Wired also illustrates a greater danger, that if you were even in legal trouble and something that might help your case was tied up in a social media platform’s messaging system you may not ever be able to retrieve it.

10. An example from experience was messages for a client we do event based social media for. They had two messages filed by the application somewhere they would never find it. If a client gets used to using a messaging system convenient to a small number of a businesses clients the chance of the message being missed is greater. Thankfully one of the messages was a sales call that should or would have been ignored. Honestly if you are a sales person who decides to direct message on social media instead of calling you are not going to close many deals. The other message was requesting a password to the event, which thankfully the client deferred to traditional methods instead of relying on the platform’s messaging platform. A good rule of thumb is when the message is received is to still respond even if the context of the message has expired so you can also inform the client of the best ways to reach your business quickly.

11. Why is your website still useful? Well case in point is the facilities at Evraz Place. Cooperators Centre the six sheet ice facility on their grounds has to be the busiest part of their operations hands down. The rinks reopened as part of a new phase of COVID19 on Monday. Nowhere on their website is any information for parents on procedures they have to follow when bringing their kids to the rinks, as of this writing. Awareness of procedures is a key component to helping recover from this deadly virus. Still none of Evraz Place’s web properties states the rules for bringing your kids back to the rink. These rules are much different than when kids last played hockey, ringette or figure skated in early March. 

12. Twitter has rolled out audio tweets to select clients. There does not seem to be any pattern for the various accounts owned and managed by thirteen letter of who has audio tweet capabilities and who doesn’t. As this was released late last week it could be something that also disappears before everyone has access to the feature. So there are a lot of questions about this new feature and more to come as more users gain access to it.

13. Social Media coaching, you know you can do your own social media but need some tips and tricks and ideas on how to make it sustainable? Well social media coaching is a service we offer.

Thanks for reading!

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